DDOP-24 Diagnostics (Gold)




In which the Bathtub Mermaid presents a reader’s theatre version of a piece of TNG fanfic.  (Star Trek: The Next Generation  & the character Data belong to CBS/Paramount.  The rest is mine. This is a work of fan-fiction, and no money is being made.)

If you’re an android, there’s room for a LOT of thinking in the space of a single kiss.


No transcript. To read the original story follow the link under Links and References.

Voice Credits:

Berkley Rose Pearl, as Zoe

Clay Robeson, as Data

Nutty Nuchtchas, as Tasha

Selena Taylor, as Jenna

and me, MissMelysse, the Bathtub Mermaid, as the Narrator.

Links & References:


  • The Bathtub Mermaid: Tales from the Tub is written and produced by Melissa A. Bartell, and is recorded and produced using the BossJock iPad app and Audacity.
  • Bathtub Mermaid album art was created by Rebecca Moran of Moran Media
  • Music used for the opening and closing is David Popper’s “Village Song” as performed by Cello Journey. This music came from the podsafe music archive at Mevio’s Music Alley, which site is now defunct.
  • Image credit unknown.

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