DDoP #11: Invoking Anne Lamott

Dog Days of Podcasting

In which The Bathtub Mermaid babbles about her personal faith traditions, Anne Lamott’s assurance that “your stuff is your stuff,” and the UU principle that Every Person has Inherent Dignity and Worth


Facebook page for Anne Lamott
UUA Seven Principles
Robin Williams’ Top Ten Reasons to Be Episcopalian

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.

DDoP #10: The Night After

Dog Days of Podcasting

In which I babble more about Oklahoma, and also talk about GW Zoo.

GW Zoo – website

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.

DDoP Episode 9: The Night Before

Dog Days of Podcasting

In which I babble about a trip to Oklahoma, and talk about Covenant House International and Broadway’s Sleep-Out.

Covenant House – main site
Covenant House – Sleep Out
Audra McDonald – Audra’s Sleep-out Campaign

Music for this episode was provided by Mevio’s Music Alley, a great resource for podsafe music. Visit them at music.mevio.com.
Opening: “Soap in a Bathtub” by Stoney
Closing Music: “You Can Use My Bathtub” by Little Thom
Recorded and Produced using BossJock
For more of the Dog Days of Podcasting, click HERE.